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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Find Your WHY to Find Your Way: Fitness Goal Motivation

     You must know where you are going before you can plan a route to get there, right? You wouldn't get on the road and drive 50 miles in just any direction and hope you will get to your intended destination by chance, would you? No, of course not! You would GPS the destination and plan an efficient route to get there. It works the same for your fitness goals. You have to develop a clear picture of what it is that you want for yourself so that you can plan a safe and efficient route to arrive at your goals. The tips I am about to give in this week's fitness blogpost is something I teach my clients and has been proven to work if you follow this simple fitness goal planning roadmap.

Identify the Why: Discover Your NEED to Succeed

     Notice, I said NEED and not want. This is crucial. We all want things in life that we may not have the ability to prioritize but when there is a necessity we somehow always find a way even when there doesn't seems to be any possible way, as though by magic. If you can find why you need to hit this goal you are giving yourself fuel to keep you going when the road gets rough.

Image result for obstacle quotes 
    I will give you an example of how Identify the Why helped one of my clients overcome a series of incredibly unfortunate and poorly timed obstacles that would have wiped all hope for her goal right off the page. She had a goal of competing in a bikini competition and right in the middle of prep, she had a death of a loved one, had to quit her job to travel home for the family and found out her and her husband would be getting divorced all in the same 2 week period. Any ONE of those things would be enough to derail a goal as big as transforming and getting on stage for a bikini competition. I was very concerned and even told her I would understand if she postponed her goal but I also took that moment to remind her of the WHY that we identified in the beginning before commiting to carry through. When I asked her why, initially, she said she needs to change her health habits and thought a competition would give her a reason. I said, "Ok, that makes sense", but I saw something deeper. I kept digging until she finally told me she feels like she doesn't matter and that she has been putting everyone else's needs ahead of her own her whole life. She proceeded to explain with tears in her eyes that she has never done a single thing for just her and she NEEDED to do just one thing for just herself so that she could start to feel like a human being and not just an object others can move around whenever and however suites them. I wrote this down and kept reminding her during sessions of why she was there.

When things hit the fan it came down to choosing to keep going towards her goal or focus only on her family's situation she decided that she would never have respect for herself if she quit after we identified the why. We planned Skype sessions and I gave her a simple meal plan and kept her workouts simple enough to do them in the backyard if she couldn't steal time away for the gym in a small town. She stayed on track, she found a bikini competition near her town and she placed top 3! So, you see, the why is a powerful asset in keeping yourself on track towards your goal. Your obstacles may not be as severe as this but that is all relative. Just know that if she can do it, you can too. Identify the Why. Think it through, get to the core of why you need to hit this goal, write it down, share it with several people you trust that will remind you why you are setting out on this journey. You've GOT THIS!

Commit to Carry Through: Build Your Turn-by-Turn Road Map 

     This is where the road mapping begins. Now that you know WHY are you setting out on this journey it is time to figure out the most efficient way to get there. This is not about a number of pounds or kilograms for any of my fitness readers that aren't American. It is all about knowing your current bodyfat percentage and where you realistically want your bodyfat to be. This is easy enough online with a current weight and measurements but a more accurate bodyfat reading will come from a bioelectric impedance analysis. Bathroom scales that read bodyfat are affordable so I recommend having one at home or you can go to your gym ask any of the trainers to do a free analysis for you. It only takes a minute. One of my favorite places to visit when setting a new goal is because they have helpful pictures and gadgets to help you set a goal. It is not just for bodybuilders so don't be afraid to visit BodySpace for nutrition and workout plans.

     Once you have your bodyfat, you can calculate how long it will take you to safely lower your percentage through cleaning up your diet and regular exercise. Usually 1 to 2 lbs of fat week is the safest range. Be REALISTIC!! Break your big goal into three parts, a short term, medium term and long term goal. For example, when I am taking a long road trip I do checkpoints to keep on track to arrive on time. So,  my shourt term goal might be, "in two hours I want to be stopping at the gas station just inside Jacksonville." I get prepared with everything I need to stay on the road for two hours until Jacksonville. Check! Moving on to my meduim term goal of the next town in X amount of hours. Fitness goals work much the same way. If you have a goal of losing 15lbs of fat in 3 months you can set 1 month checkpoints of 5lbs a month. Don't focus on the 15lbs. Focus on the 5lbs so as not to overwhelm yourself and keep your motivation high.

     Now that you know your weightloss goal and your WHY, it's time to build your how. Think about your life schedule, your routine that you already have and build from there. The less you need to change in your regular daily routine the more successful you will be in sticking to your plan. If you are an early riser plan to workout early in the morning. Are you willing to take your lunch to work with you instead of eating out and use your lunch break for a workout? Are you a night owl or tend to have more energy later in the day? Find the time of day that you are least busy and most likely to devote an hour to your workout. Pick your 4 to 5 least busy days of the week for weight lifting and cardio. The more honest you are with yourself the more successful this plan will be.

Persevere the Plan: Connect to Keep Steadfast

Now the you have your WHY and your MAP it is time to get out there and JUST DO IT!
Share, share, share your fitness goals and journey with anyone who will listen. Share your excitement! You will see that you will begin to inspire those around you. You will begin to feel stronger with each person you inspire.

    Take progress photos of yourself before you begin your journey and every two weeks after. Share what you are comfortable sharing. Eventually, you will see your body changing and this will keep you fired up for the next checkpoint and your final goal. Try to wear the same clothes or similar so you can see where you are changing and make adjustments as needed. Before and After pictures can really inspire you. Mirrors and cameras don't lie. This will keep you accountable in a real way.

     Enlist a buddy to join you so you can keep each other accountable. If you don't have a buddy or family member than can join you consider hiring a personal trainer or other fitness professional to help keep you motivated and on track. There are online forums and communities that can be a tremendous asset where people that are doing exactly what are doing go to encourage one another. and are just a couple of places to check out. Instagram has proven to be a place where you can find others for inspiration and support with the simple click of hashtags. Whatever you find to be your sharing style, the point of this step is to engage with other people on journeys of their own and keep a fitness diary/photo diary to look back and on. You would be surprised how effective this can be on a day where you are feeling less than energetic about a workout or dieting. Keep stroking you own fitness fires and remember:

                        Identify the Why - Commit to Carry Through - Persevere the Plan

I hope that you find this blogpost helpful and inspiring. Please know that I am always here for questions and support. I always answer emails and comments. I am very active in social media so visit my twitter , facebook and my instagram and connect with me for more fitness motivation, workout videos, nutrition tips, healthy recipes and all around fitness fun. You have to always have fun with your journey. Do something today that will make your future self proud! Until next time......