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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

DESSERT: The Light Amidst the Darkness. Cook, Share, Eat Up and Smile!


There are so many unthinkable tragedies happening in the world right now that I wanted to create a page the focused on positive vibes and the power that food has to bring people together. Who doesn't love a delicious dessert when their spirits need a lift? That is why they call it "comfort food". Who doesn't love a beautiful breakfast to start their day on a positive note? Well, how about a 2-for-1? Let's be kids again with this recipe and have this decadent breakfast dessert! This is my recipe for my French Crepes Sundae. This recipe turned out so well that my fiance wanted them two days in a row! Yes, he knows how spoiled he is. This can be prepared for breakfast, for a "just because" snack or if you really want to impress your dinner guests with a beautiful dessert these are a sure winner. Whatever your occasion, I truly hope you enjoy. Please post pictures when you prepare it and leave comments. I would love to know what you and your friends & family thought of this recipe and how we are sharing positive moments with those we love. Bon appetit!


Crepes batter:

1 cup All-purpose flour

1 tablespoon white granulated sugar
3 large eggs
1-1/4 cups milk (I prefer 2% organic milk)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons unsalted butter (melted)
1/4 teaspoon of salt (a couple dashes)
1 teaspoon  ground cinnamon or cardamom


Reddi-Whip Extra Creamy (sweetened - real cream)
Fresh Strawberries (or any fruit you prefer)
Chocolate syrup topping
Powdered sugar and cacao powder (for finishing sprinkles)

Crepes Preparation:

Use blender or hand mixer to combine all of crepes batter ingredients together and let rest for about 30 minutes to an hour. This allows the bubble to release and helps prevent ripping of the crepes during cooking. Any unused batter can be saved in an airtight container for no more than a couple days. Place a medium to small non stick skillet over medium-low to medium heat. Use PAM cooking spray or brush melted butter into skillet. Pour 1/8 cup of batter in the center of the skillet using a measuring cup or a ladle while turning the skillet in a soft circular motion to spread evenly. Cook on this side for approximately 1 minute and 45 second or until the edges are lightly browned. Flip and cook for another 45 seconds. Stack each finished crepe onto one another and cover with a clean kitchen towel to keep moist and warm.  Any unused finished crepes can be kept in a plastic storage bag or an airtight storage container for several days. Simply, warm in microwave for 15 seconds to reheat.


Fill crepes with a generous amount of whipped cream, sliced strawberries or whatever fruit you have chosen and pour chocolate sauce over the top. Finish by sifting powdered sugar and cacao powder over the top for visual and flavor effect. THAT'S IT! Serve immediately and enjoy!

Side Notes:

I made the chocolate sauce in this recipe from scratch by melting semi sweet chocolate chips, 60% cacao bittersweet chocolate chips, ground cinnamon, steamed milk and a couple other of my favorite spices together and then spooning or piping them over the crepes. I will post this recipe if requested enough. If you want to keep it simple just use your favorite sundae topping sauce.

If you want paper thin crepes use 1-1/2 to 2 cups of milk instead of this recipe's 1-1/4. I just prefer my crepes a little more sturdy and substantial.

If you experience crispy edges try using a tiny bit more butter/cooking spray in the pan and pouring from the outside toward the center. I discovered that stacking them onto one another and covering with a clean, damp kitchen towel softens any edges no matter how I pour.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT SO HAVE FUN! No matter how the look if this is your first time...they will still taste amazing!

The next day encore breakfast my fiance asked me to make with blueberries, too!

Sneak Peak at my next recipe:
Vanilla Cream Chia Seed Belgian Waffles

Until we meet again, keep the positive energy going any way you can! Goodness knows the world really needs some comfort and Positive Vibes! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

30 Days No Alcohol Challenge: Days 7 & 8

My alter ego - Even superheros have struggles. 

August 14, 2016 - Day 7: WEEK ONE COMPLETED!

2:34pm -- I am having a very strange day. I woke up in the early hours of the morning in hysterics, which is extremely rare. I was having a nightmare that I could not wake from. It was about a very long standing issue I have had with a particular set of people and it felt so real. I woke up absolutely balling. My energy has been off since then. I am trying to just stay mellow today. I want to go do something active in a couple hours but so far today I am simply doing some journaling and relaxing. Lazy Sundays are kind of my favorite thing lately. This one just feels like I am in a bit of a fog. I am sure it is normal but I feel actually feel lazy. I like to be lazy on Sundays...not feel lazy. It is also very cloudy and rainy today so I assume the barometric pressure also has something to do with my strange mood. Is it a full moon? I will have to check on that. I'm watching Netflix and looking for something entertaining to do in hopes of lifting the mood meter a bit.

8pm - I decided to remain mellow and just go with the energy I had instead of forcing myself into a mood I was not in. I think it was the right choice because I feel much better. Happy even. I went to see Suicide Squad with my friend tonight and neither of us drank anything. Side note:  HOLY MOLY, what a FANTASTIC MOVIE! I sat there like a little girl in amazement for most of the movie or I was laughing or crying. This has to be one of the best movies I have seen in over a year and that includes Jason Bourne, of which I am huge fan. Okay, I'm done.

      So, mellow evening. We went to the early showing and had sushi night after. This is the kicker: I usually have a couple glasses of wine at the movies. We like to go to the Dine-In Theaters. You, know the ones with the recliners where they serve you your dinner and drinks while you watch? Love them! This is the first time I have gone to a movie and not had wine or beer in a long time. As I go through this challenge, I notice a pattern emerging more and more. I have gotten myself into the habit of connecting fun activities with drinking. It is so crazy because it felt so normal while doing it. I am consciously and purposefully choosing to not drink and only now do I see how much and how often I was actually drinking. It 's not like I was skipping my life to stay home and get smashed or hanging out in clubs getting obliterated. I lead a pretty fun and exciting life full of variety and recreation. This challenge is quite an awakening. I knew I was drinking more than I do when I am in the gym 6 days a week. I have been suffering a sciatic nerve and hip flexor injury so I haven't been able to be as active, which is really difficult to accept and deal with as an athlete. I suppose I blurred reality a bit. It is an easy thing to do. I am no superheroine despite what my friends think.

     I live in South Florida on the beaches and near the party scene. I am usually at home, golfing, boating or beaching with a book in hand. Compared to the scene around me, I am a snoozefest. Perspective is everything, however. You know how they say, "You can't see the forrest for the trees". It is very true. I was too close to the drinking scene, too near to really see that I was on a path most certain to cause me health problems down the road. That is just unacceptable. I am better than that. I don't think I have ever been more on a mission to fix a problem that I created. I own my mistakes. I am my toughest critic. This is going to be a colorful ride.

August 15, 2016 - Day 8 (WEEK 2 Day 1 )

9:32am - The most incredible part about not drinking this weekend, other than sticking to my goals and not waking up hungover, was how much money was saved! I was adding up the numbers in my head of how much we would be spending on beers and wine at the baseball game, the theater, on the boat or on the golf course. Holy cow! That is an awakening! $6 beers, and $9 wines multiplied by 4 drinks (low balling) for the two of us on Friday, Saturday and Sunday a hefty bill. Using the average of beer and wine prices, $7.50, that adds up to $180 not spent on alcohol. That is $720 a month. That is $8,640 a year. That is a third of a $26,000 salary. In 3 years you could have a $26,000 down payment on a nice house just by not drinking. This was calculated for two people, obviously, but a young couple going out on the weekend can get really expensive. Keep in mind, I only calculated the alcohol. I haven't even touched normal things like food, transportation, cover charges, ticket prices, golf fees, etc. This puts it into perspective for me. I can save money and not have to give up my favorite activities...and lose weight....and have better skin/hair... by simply not drinking alcohol. The positives are overwhelmingly clear. There is a thing called moderation. I know I don't have to go to the opposite extreme and not drink at all. I am just building a list of pros and cons for the argument of "Is drinking really necessary, at all?".

5pm - It has been an amazing week.I know it is only the beginning but getting through a weekend full of fun outings and events that we normally have a few drinks every single weekend is a pretty big deal. The act of not drinking alcohol, alone, is not really the challenge. I don't even miss it yet. The real challenge is rebuilding a new set of habits to be associated with the same outings and events. I think the game has become finding creative ways to trick the system. I have started by changing one major detail, which is the alcoholic beverage but staying as close to ritual as possible. For example. If I normally have a glass of wine I have been having iced water with fruit in a wine glass instead. If I have a beer normally, I will have sparkling water with fruit in a tall glass. I know there is controversy out there for people suffering from alcoholism to avoid anything that resembles drinking an alcoholic beverage so if you are suffering from alcoholism I would not recommend doing that as it may be a trigger. I am simply journaling the things I am doing that seem to be working as a method to fix bad habits in my life. I am not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination so I think I should say this. Consult a physician if you are addicted and are trying to quit drinking, please.  

    I have so much more focus today than I normally do after a weekend with drinks each night. I was still drowsy from being awake late watching the Olympics and Netflix with my tea but that is a much better feeling than waking with my body fighting to get rid of toxins from the night before. I have to say, in all honesty, I prefer to feel the way I did this morning. The drinks are not even worth it comparatively. So, I suppose I have a real life decision to make soon. Maybe it is me getting older. Maybe it is me getting wiser. Maybe both. I just feel tired after drinking these days. The point when I was younger was to go out and have fun. As I settled down it was to chill and relax. I am not sure why it is anymore other than a habit that I have created. If it serves no purpose then why do it? I'm still working out the answer to that one for myself. That is what this whole challenge is about for me. I find it funny the places one can discover themselves. I am very enthusiastic about what other discoveries I make in the next 3 weeks. A friend of mine posted a photo that said, "Sometimes, you just need to reinvent yourself". That is most definitely an accurate statement. Maybe I simply needed to rediscover myself. Either way, great changes are happening and for that I am grateful. Until next time.....

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Exercise helps you gain focus in all areas of your life. Get moving!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

30 Days No Alcohol Challenge Days 5 & 6

My favorite player on the Miami Marlins, Giancarlo Stanto! 


Scoring Like Stanton!

This is an ongoing blog that covers my entire journey on my 30 Days No Alcohol Challenge. Check out Days 1-4 HERE  if you are just tuning in. Enjoy! 

Day 5
August 12, 2016

10:35am --
I woke up from a terribly odd, twisted dream. It was very disturbing. I heard that can happen once you remove alcohol from your diet after a period of regular drinking. I woke so suddenly from the dream that I ended up getting a headache. It really effected my mood. Like something bad was going to happen. I took a few deep breaths, told myself It was just a dream and went to have my Lemon Cayenne water. It helps to bring your body to an alkaline state and aids in metabolism. The cayenne really snaps you awake as well. I had breakfast and soon after I was feeling much better. The one thing that I am noticing is that I am dealing with the not drinking part very well. I haven't even wanted a drink. I haven't had a craving for a drink at all. Not once time so far. What I am dealing with this past few days is a conflict with change. I am a creature of habit. At the end of the day I would normally be cooking dinner with a glass of vino to wind down. Suddenly, I am messing with a ritual, a routine and its strange. Habits are hard to break so I feel annoyed. I am sure I am not alone in feeling that way so I will forgive myself.  I did find that putting sparkling water in a wine glass with frozen fruit is just as amazing and more refreshing. It wasn't the wine so much as the feeling of having something fancy to drink from my long stem while cooking. I have to say that the fruit water is much more aesthetically pleasing, healthy and delicious. All in all, a winning solution.

4:50pm --  About two hours ago I suddenly started feeling really uneasy. I took me a while to figure out why. I am about to go to the Marlins game and I haven't been to a game without drinking....ever! I realized it when I started trying to back out of going to the game, putting it off for tomorrow's game, complaining about the drive to Miami, etc. Once I realized where the anxiety was coming from I shook it off and got myself dressed. I have no idea how I will feel when I get there but I certainly feel nervous which is normally when I would have a glass of wine. I know it's just nerves about going to this game and not having that social beer. I am not worried about being tempted to drink, really. I am just going to have to learn what ELSE you do at a game to fill time. This girl can only talk so much. I am not a huge fan of pointless conversation to fill silence but it seems most people can't enjoy silence as much as I do. I 'm not good at idle chitchat. I am over thinking this. Here goes.

Is Someone You know an "Almost Alcoholic"? Take this Quiz to find out. 

Day 6 - August 13, 2016

9:49am -- I got through the game without even being tempted to drink. My friend offered to not drink if it would bother me. I encouraged him to do what he would normally do at the games. I don't want people to change or adjust for my challenge. It is my personal challenge. I am the one who has committed to adjusting. I was so resolute that I went to the bar with him to look at the beer options and smelled each of them to help him decide which was best. Bartender and alcohol training from when I worked in restaurants came in handy. It was that simple. I just got a fountain drink in a collector's cup and sipped on that the whole game. Having something to hold in my hands and sip on helped a lot. I was worried what my mood or feelings would be watching other people drinking and having fun. I really was over thinking things. If anything I was highly entertained by, annoyed by and embarrassed for a lot of people. It made me think about the times that I have made a colossal ass of myself drinking too much at parties. It was a hard thing to digest. You don't notice how foolish you look when you're drunk until you sober watch the footage the next day, I remember. To each their own. If people are having fun and aren't hurting anyone, more power to them.

     There was one moment where I was so focused on the game and having a conversation about Giancarlo Stanton (he is a pretty, pretty man) and I reached down without looking. I almost grabbed my friend's beer. When I looked down and saw that it was the beer I jumped back and pulled my hand away like it was a snake. I laughed so hard at my reaction. I am so glad nobody else noticed. I told my friend and he laughed with me and said it was awesome and that he was proud of how dedicated I am to this commitment. The bottom line is I had a LOT of fun at the game without the beers or any other alcoholic beverage. I was still very social and it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. Funny fact: the scent of beer was a turnoff. Beer breath was everywhere and it was so strong. It felt how I feel when people pass by after they just get back from a cigarette break. It just lingers and leaves a stench trail behind them. That is how strong the scent of beer was last night. I am so thankful that people weren't really drinking wine or whiskey around me.  I might have lost control of my dinner.

That's ME with with a Marlin's baseball. I was in the front row!
      As far as my mood last night, I was generally upbeat and fun. I danced and clapped along per usual at the games. I was basically every bit of myself without the drinks as I was sober. The only difference that I noticed was that I looked around at people a lot more and just observed my surroundings. I noticed things that I rarely ever notice at the games like things on the walls and seats, subliminal advertisements and how the staff operates. My energy would go up and down with the energy of the game immediately. When I had a few drinks at baseball games before I never really noticed the lulls in the game because I would usually just go off on a beer run or another bathroom break. This time I was aware of every play, the players on the field and the little idiosyncracies of the rules of baseball which, God help me, I could never understand with a buzz. I was worried yesterday about how to fill the time that I normally filled with beer. I just asked a crap load of questions about everything I didn't understand. So, I got answers and I only had to listen. My friend is very knowlegeable about sports and loves to talk about it. Win-win! Problem solved. I also noticed I am a lot more shy stone sober. When the cams were showing on the crowds and everybody was doing crazy dances I was like, "I am SO SOBER right now." All in all, I had a ton of fun without needing or even wanting alcohol. Last night was my first night out since I started this challenge and it was my first night ever at a sporting event without drinking. My friend was incredibly supportive. I know a lot of people doing this challenge aren't so lucky. A lot of friends will  either make fun or try to peer pressure a challenger into drinking. I can't imagine why ANYONE would do that but it is common so I am thankful I didn't have to deal with that. I am quite proud of myself and feeling stronger than I thought I would.

Am I An Alcoholic Quiz - Click link to take quiz.

Technically Day 7 - August 14, 2016

 -- Today is supposed to be a boat day, which I have also never done without drinking so my challenge today is figuring out what to do on the boat for a few hours without wine or beer. I guess I will find out! I am thinking I will captain the boat and we will just have to go somewhere new for entertainment versus just cruising and looking at the same mansions again. You have to be creative when changing habits you have had for 10 years! Tedious but exciting! As you can see so far, the hardest thing seems to be reprogramming. I have always wondered what take drinking from a bad habit to an addition. What is the tipping point? I have read many articles on the matter because I was curious as to how my father lost control and at what point he became a full blown alcoholic. There is alcohol abuse and then there is alcoholism. It seems that the major difference is the degree of physical dependancy. Let's just say that I grew up my whole life with this question on my mind, being told that alcoholism is hereditary. I am very happy to say that I feel great without booze in my bloodstream! The only problem I am dealing with so far is just relearning what it was like to go out and have fun without it being centered around drinking. I never noticed how booze centric this society really is until the first time I went on alcohol hiatus for a year. The only place I could go and be around other fun people without alcohol being involved was church. I will be working on ways to change that.  Maybe I will start a fun outting group in the area. It really late so I will just hae to ponder that one  Until we meet again...

Sites to read about alcohol abuse/alcoholism:

Friday, August 12, 2016

30 Days No Alcohol Challenge


 August 11, 2016
30 Days No Alcohol    Challenge: Day4 

   First things first,  I didn't even realize I was doing this challenge  until the 3rd day in and it suddenly became apparent that I am really ready to change in a huge way and what better way to focus than removing an inhibitor like alocohol for a while. I sat on my couch watching Michael Phelps swimming in the prelimenary 200M Individual Medley and thought to myself, "I bet Phelps hasn't had a drink in months!" I watch him cruise into 1st place...AGAIN. I decided that I was going to not drink for 30 days and keep track of all the changes I go through physically, emotionally and spiritually. Even Phelps has had to remove alcohol from his life if he wanted to reach greatness again. I am not delusional. I know I will never be an olympic athlete but I have my sights set on my own version of a gold medal.

     As I looked around the web to see how if other people were on a mission like mine I was overwhelmed with all the results. Apparently this is a "thing". I had no idea. I didn't jump on some bandwagon or follow some guru but it was interesting to see how many people are thinking the same way I am, thereby validating and solidifying my decision. I noticed that the majority of the blogs and websites I ran across felt the need to disclaimer their challenge with, "I do NOT have a drinking problem" or "I am NOT an ALCOHOLIC.

I was sort of shocked by this. I do not care what someone's reason is for wanting to get healthier. I think if you have decided to clean up your health for ANY reason, I am proud of you. Alcoholic or not. I don't believe it makes any one of those people who disclaimered their challenge any better than someone who is taking the challenge because they do have an alcohol problem. I am a regular human being going through life the best I can like most everyone else. However you got to your decision, KUDOS to you, mate! I have decided that I can do better and this is the approach I am choosing to take. Judgement and haters be damned.

     I would normally have a couple glasses of wine most every day. It had become normal. I didnt think twice about it after a while. I became aware that my productivity plummetted, my mood was more agitated and short tempered and I had fallen into a generally negative mindset. I was very close to a deep depression. I knew that it had a lot to do with my diet. I wasn't eating as clean (because drinking and healthy eating are not pals), I had become less active (too tired from hanging with "friends" too late drinking), I was aching everywhere (from being inactive), sleeping like garbage if at all, and I was surrounding myself with other people ("friends") that were in the same cycle which only exxacerbated the situation further. I am a personal trainer who is known as the most positive and energetic person you'll meet. Who IS this person?!? I didn't even recognize myself anymore which only contributed to low self esteem and damn near depression. I am a smart woman and I didn't need a specialist to tell me what I needed to do. I'll be damned if this is who I settle for. Enough was enough.

     I decided to remove alcohol from my diet, replace it with water and herbal teas, up the ante on my power foods and get back to being my energetic, positive, happy self. Just like that my goal was born. 30 days without alcohol challenge, it is! I promised myself when I committed yesterday that if I was going to go a whole 30 Days without alcohol that I was going to keep a journal and take progress photos along the way and be HONEST about how I am feeling. Intend to honor that promise. I don't know what kind of story this is going to turn into but it will be a true one.

Here I am on Day 4: 
How am I feeling?
    Today I woke with an excitement to have my Lemon Cayenne Water, which is really good for starting your body in an alkaline state and boosts your metabolism. I could feel my body burning clean so it was encouraging. Midway through the day today I felt a bit sleepy so I took a power nap and woke with a headache but nothing a little Advil couldn't rememdy. I had a craving for sweets today which rarely happens but I read that it makes sense when you remove alcohol from your diet for a while. I decided to have a cliff bar and fruit infused water to pass the craving and that did the trick. I actually pondered if I had a glass of wine in front of me how hard would be to resist. I actually felt ill thinking about drinking because I would be so ashamed of breaking my promise to myself. I couldn't stop smiling because I knew that I was totally committed to this challenge. So all in all, I feel great today and I am really looking forward to the rest of this challenge. Tomorrow is Friday and I know the weekend brings a new element along with it. In all honesty I am little nervous about going out with friends and not drinking but I really am looking forward to proving to myself that I GOT THIS!

Ok ladies and gentlemen, I am going to wrap this up and post it. I am looking forward to reporting as this challenge continues. I am not sure if it will be daily or every few days but I will keep notes on everyday and post whenever it feels appropriate. Leave comments and opinions and let me know if you are on your own challenge and how it is going. I would love to hear it! Until next time.... Keep It Classy.

Follow Me on Instagram: @DomSpainFitness
Facebook: Dom Spain
& Twitter: @DomSpain

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Find Your WHY to Find Your Way: Fitness Goal Motivation

     You must know where you are going before you can plan a route to get there, right? You wouldn't get on the road and drive 50 miles in just any direction and hope you will get to your intended destination by chance, would you? No, of course not! You would GPS the destination and plan an efficient route to get there. It works the same for your fitness goals. You have to develop a clear picture of what it is that you want for yourself so that you can plan a safe and efficient route to arrive at your goals. The tips I am about to give in this week's fitness blogpost is something I teach my clients and has been proven to work if you follow this simple fitness goal planning roadmap.

Identify the Why: Discover Your NEED to Succeed

     Notice, I said NEED and not want. This is crucial. We all want things in life that we may not have the ability to prioritize but when there is a necessity we somehow always find a way even when there doesn't seems to be any possible way, as though by magic. If you can find why you need to hit this goal you are giving yourself fuel to keep you going when the road gets rough.

Image result for obstacle quotes 
    I will give you an example of how Identify the Why helped one of my clients overcome a series of incredibly unfortunate and poorly timed obstacles that would have wiped all hope for her goal right off the page. She had a goal of competing in a bikini competition and right in the middle of prep, she had a death of a loved one, had to quit her job to travel home for the family and found out her and her husband would be getting divorced all in the same 2 week period. Any ONE of those things would be enough to derail a goal as big as transforming and getting on stage for a bikini competition. I was very concerned and even told her I would understand if she postponed her goal but I also took that moment to remind her of the WHY that we identified in the beginning before commiting to carry through. When I asked her why, initially, she said she needs to change her health habits and thought a competition would give her a reason. I said, "Ok, that makes sense", but I saw something deeper. I kept digging until she finally told me she feels like she doesn't matter and that she has been putting everyone else's needs ahead of her own her whole life. She proceeded to explain with tears in her eyes that she has never done a single thing for just her and she NEEDED to do just one thing for just herself so that she could start to feel like a human being and not just an object others can move around whenever and however suites them. I wrote this down and kept reminding her during sessions of why she was there.

When things hit the fan it came down to choosing to keep going towards her goal or focus only on her family's situation she decided that she would never have respect for herself if she quit after we identified the why. We planned Skype sessions and I gave her a simple meal plan and kept her workouts simple enough to do them in the backyard if she couldn't steal time away for the gym in a small town. She stayed on track, she found a bikini competition near her town and she placed top 3! So, you see, the why is a powerful asset in keeping yourself on track towards your goal. Your obstacles may not be as severe as this but that is all relative. Just know that if she can do it, you can too. Identify the Why. Think it through, get to the core of why you need to hit this goal, write it down, share it with several people you trust that will remind you why you are setting out on this journey. You've GOT THIS!

Commit to Carry Through: Build Your Turn-by-Turn Road Map 

     This is where the road mapping begins. Now that you know WHY are you setting out on this journey it is time to figure out the most efficient way to get there. This is not about a number of pounds or kilograms for any of my fitness readers that aren't American. It is all about knowing your current bodyfat percentage and where you realistically want your bodyfat to be. This is easy enough online with a current weight and measurements but a more accurate bodyfat reading will come from a bioelectric impedance analysis. Bathroom scales that read bodyfat are affordable so I recommend having one at home or you can go to your gym ask any of the trainers to do a free analysis for you. It only takes a minute. One of my favorite places to visit when setting a new goal is because they have helpful pictures and gadgets to help you set a goal. It is not just for bodybuilders so don't be afraid to visit BodySpace for nutrition and workout plans.

     Once you have your bodyfat, you can calculate how long it will take you to safely lower your percentage through cleaning up your diet and regular exercise. Usually 1 to 2 lbs of fat week is the safest range. Be REALISTIC!! Break your big goal into three parts, a short term, medium term and long term goal. For example, when I am taking a long road trip I do checkpoints to keep on track to arrive on time. So,  my shourt term goal might be, "in two hours I want to be stopping at the gas station just inside Jacksonville." I get prepared with everything I need to stay on the road for two hours until Jacksonville. Check! Moving on to my meduim term goal of the next town in X amount of hours. Fitness goals work much the same way. If you have a goal of losing 15lbs of fat in 3 months you can set 1 month checkpoints of 5lbs a month. Don't focus on the 15lbs. Focus on the 5lbs so as not to overwhelm yourself and keep your motivation high.

     Now that you know your weightloss goal and your WHY, it's time to build your how. Think about your life schedule, your routine that you already have and build from there. The less you need to change in your regular daily routine the more successful you will be in sticking to your plan. If you are an early riser plan to workout early in the morning. Are you willing to take your lunch to work with you instead of eating out and use your lunch break for a workout? Are you a night owl or tend to have more energy later in the day? Find the time of day that you are least busy and most likely to devote an hour to your workout. Pick your 4 to 5 least busy days of the week for weight lifting and cardio. The more honest you are with yourself the more successful this plan will be.

Persevere the Plan: Connect to Keep Steadfast

Now the you have your WHY and your MAP it is time to get out there and JUST DO IT!
Share, share, share your fitness goals and journey with anyone who will listen. Share your excitement! You will see that you will begin to inspire those around you. You will begin to feel stronger with each person you inspire.

    Take progress photos of yourself before you begin your journey and every two weeks after. Share what you are comfortable sharing. Eventually, you will see your body changing and this will keep you fired up for the next checkpoint and your final goal. Try to wear the same clothes or similar so you can see where you are changing and make adjustments as needed. Before and After pictures can really inspire you. Mirrors and cameras don't lie. This will keep you accountable in a real way.

     Enlist a buddy to join you so you can keep each other accountable. If you don't have a buddy or family member than can join you consider hiring a personal trainer or other fitness professional to help keep you motivated and on track. There are online forums and communities that can be a tremendous asset where people that are doing exactly what are doing go to encourage one another. and are just a couple of places to check out. Instagram has proven to be a place where you can find others for inspiration and support with the simple click of hashtags. Whatever you find to be your sharing style, the point of this step is to engage with other people on journeys of their own and keep a fitness diary/photo diary to look back and on. You would be surprised how effective this can be on a day where you are feeling less than energetic about a workout or dieting. Keep stroking you own fitness fires and remember:

                        Identify the Why - Commit to Carry Through - Persevere the Plan

I hope that you find this blogpost helpful and inspiring. Please know that I am always here for questions and support. I always answer emails and comments. I am very active in social media so visit my twitter , facebook and my instagram and connect with me for more fitness motivation, workout videos, nutrition tips, healthy recipes and all around fitness fun. You have to always have fun with your journey. Do something today that will make your future self proud! Until next time......

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Carbs Don't Make You Fat - FAT DOES


Don't say it! Not the dreaded C-word! Sometimes I think girls believe that just saying the word "carbs" will make them fat. What do you think of when you think of carbs? Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and beans? Somewhere in the ballpark? Ever since the whole "low-carb" craze hit, people have all but banished these amazing foods from existence. This fallacious belief could be having a negative effect on your weight loss. In just a few short minutes you will see that carbs are not the enemy and hopefully find the balanced way to enjoy these not only delicious but nutritious foods again. 

The Skinny on Carbs

There are good carbs and bad carbs just as there are good fats and bad fats. So, how do you know which is which? Pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice, beans and wheat bread are categorized generally under complex carbs, nicknamed "good carbs" and soda, candy, artificial syrups, white rice, white potatoes, and other desserts like pastries and cookies are simple carbs aka "bad carbs". I know this can be confusing because technically, fruits and vegetables are simple carbs. Here's the difference: the fiber found in fruits and veggies changes how the body breaks down and stores these simple carbs for energy later. These healthy simple carbs are processed more like a complex carbohydrate. When in doubt choose the carbs closest to the earth. has a great article on good carbs vs bad carbs.

The Higher the Climb the Harder the Fall
 We have all heard of a "sugar rush"or maybe even had a few. A sugar rush comes from a massive spike in your blood sugar from eating simple carbohydrates. For instance, it is mid-afternoon and your workday is dragging, you go to the vending machine and get a caffeinated soft drink for a quick pick me up, you feel a little more alert and a get a boost for a short time, an hour later you are fading fast, feeling more tired than before you had the soft drink. That is an example of the peaks and valleys of a simple carbs sugar dump into the bloodstream. The worse news is those simple sugars are easily converted into fat cells. Complex carbohydrates breakdown slower releasing a more even energy supply over an extended period of time. It is the more efficient energy source. So look for whole grains, whole wheat, whole oats and brown rice and you can enjoy these without F.O.G.F (fear of getting fat). Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Shhhh....Secret Fat-Loss Recipe Below

1) Make sure you are eating the right amount of calories for your activity level. (Find BMR here)
2) Subtract about 500 calories from your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and set that as your daily limit
3) Carb Cycle- 2 Low Carb Days to 1 High Carb day choosing mostly vegetables on low carb days
4) Only eat complex carbs when you are going to be ACTIVE. Choose veggies or fruit otherwise
5) Exercise (weights & cardio for 45-60 minutes 4-6 days a week burning 500+ calories each time
6) Hydrate, sleep and repeat! 

Of course, a personal trainer is an invaluable resource to help you build a specific program tailored to you but this will give you an idea of how to lose 1-2 lbs a week and feel great doing it. 

Nutrient Timing is Vital

People get so caught up in not eating at all after 5pm...that is NOT the problem! Your body doesn't go into fat storage mode magically at 5pm. It is on 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If I start my day at noon and go to bed at 3am on a regular basis, dinner time for me could be 10pm. The time is not important. The activities in which I will be engaging are crucial to carb choices. Simply, choose lean, clean, colorful carbohydrates and lean proteins for dinner. Think of complex carbs as a ENERGY SOURCE. You don't need to put more gasoline in your car just to have it sitting there overnight, right? You can fuel up in the morning. Same for your body. You don't need bread, pasta or rice at bedtime just to lay there over night. When you get up to go about your busy day is when you need that fuel so "carb up"in the morning. 

Wrapping It Up

Don't believe every fad diet you see on t.v. The truth is low carb diets are not healthy for long periods of time. There are vital nutrients that your body requires daily and balance is everything. It is not just a cliche. Focus on good quality whole grains and oats, nuts, seeds, veggies, fruits and veggies. Make sure you are eating complex carbs only when you are going to be active for the next few hours. Hydrate (around a gallon of water a day), relax your mind/reduce stress whenever possible (that is another blog regarding stress, cortisol and weight gain coming soon) and sleep for as close to 8 hours as possible. 

That, my friends, is one of the major keys to leading a truly balanced and healthy lifestyle. I am always here when you need me. I love questions and dialogue, comments, feedback and even constructive criticism from qualified readers. We are on this journey together. The only way to improve our health is to constantly educate ourselves and each other, to lead by example and encourage one another along our journeys. Until next time.....

NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Golf Fitness Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Online Health & Fitness Coach & Healthy Lifestyle Expert

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Delicious Guilt-Free Tuna Salad- Zero Carb & Virtually Fat Free!

If you love tuna salad as much as I do then you know how easy it is to take something so lean and clean such as tuna and turn it into a   Diet Disaster. MAYONNAISE & EGG YOLKS were my favorite part of my mom's creole tuna salad growing up. Sorry mom, had to change it up! Back in the day before I became a fitness and nutrition coach, I used to scoop half a jar of mayo into the bowl over the tuna (packed in oil of course) before I ever added a single vegetable. I couldn't even imagine throwing away the yolks! She's all growed up now, kids and things have changed for the better! I have found a way to get my favorite snack, wipe out roughly 99.9% of the cholesterol, virtually ALL of the fat and pack in loads more flavor. Nothing to lose but weight if you give this recipe a try.  Enjoy!


-5oz Premium Wild Caught Tuna
                                (In water)

-2 Hard-boiled Eggwhites -chopped

-2 tbsp Spicy Brown Mustard

-3oz Fresh Raw Spinach (chopped)

-1/2 cup Bell Peppers Assorted                                         (chopped)

-1 clove Elephant Garlic (diced)

-1/8 cup chopped Scallions

-1/8 cup chopped broccoli

-Salt-free spice of your choice
(ground chipotle chili pepper shown)

INSTRUCTIONS: Are you ready?

3) ENJOY! 

Calories: 225
Protein: 37g
Carbs: 0g
Fat: 2g