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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Eat Less Sugar.. You're Sweet Enough!

By Any Other Name, It's STILL Sugar!
"Food isn't getting healthier...the food industry is just getting stealthier."
                                      -Dom Spain, CPT, GFS, CES
     How are we supposed to defend ourselves against added sugars if we are not even aware that it's lurking in the nutrition label shadows? I like to think of sugar as the Jason Bourne of diet assassins. It can hide in many different places, operate under many different names and just when you think you have a handle on this healthy eating thing BAM... it catches up to you. It is a tactic that large food corporations have calculated to keep the sales of their products high. It came as no real surprise to me that we consumed a staggering 10.8 million metric tons of sugar in just the United States this past year. I could go on and on about the negative health effects of consuming too much sugar but let's be honest, we already know that for the most part. What I don't think enough people understand is what to look for and what to do to counter this "low-carb" calamity. What I aim to accomplish with this article is bringing cognizance to the hidden sugars agenda in hopes that you will spend a bit more time not just "taking their word for it". 
Image result for now with no high fructose corn syrup gimmicks
The First Step to Sugar Survival is to Identify it by it's Many Names 

     A rule of thumb that I learned when I was a newbie to the health and fitness world is anything that ends in -ose is typically a type of sugar. If you have ever been  grocery shopping EVER you have heard of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS on some labels). That does not mean that if it doesn't end in -ose that it isn't a sugar so keep looking. The obvious ones are anything with "syrup" or "sugar" in the name. We are getting more health conscious every year so we know agave and honey are not as healthy as added sweeteners as once believed. Just knowing that the industry is trying to hide these sugars is reason enough to take a closer look and regain control of your nutrition. 

Stealthier Sugars: 
  • Diatase 
  • Diastatic Malt
  • Ethyl Maltol
  • Maltodextrine
  • Muscovado
  • Panocha
  • Sorbitol
  • Treacle
  • Turbinado

How Does this Help Me Lose Weight?  

     When the body encounters sugars, it will try to use them for energy. If there is more sugar than your body needs the liver (the sorting factory) will store the excess by converting into fatty acids through lipogenesis. These fatty acids are  then packaged into small fat molecules called triglycerides for later energy use. We do NOT want this excess sugar because is converted DIRECTLY into FAT if the body has no immediate energy use for it. Sugar is not REALLY the enemy but with it hiding in just about everything we consume by one nomer or another the EXCESS sugar consumption is the enemy. Simply put: HIGH BLOOD SUGAR = HIGH BODYFAT 

What's the Deal with Artificial Sweeteners?

     The sugar substitute argument has strong opinions for and against the health benefits. These alternatives are attractive to consumers looking to lose weight due to the fact that they add virtually zero calories to your diet.  You will have to do your homework and read up on the pros and cons of sweeteners. I have my own personal opinion and I would be more than happy to write another article on the science & statistics for the major sweeteners on the market. For now,  let's cover the basics. Artificial sweeteners are synthetic alternatives to sugar that can sometimes be a derivative of a naturally occurring substance such as an herb, beets or sugar itself. They are known as intense sweeteners because they are significantly sweeter than regular sugar so you don't need as much to sweeten something to the same level. 

     Do yourself the service of taking a closer look. You might come to the conclusion that how your body absorbs these sugar alcohols or sugar derivatives may be very different than how someone else absorbs them or that it is not about the overall calories as much as the rise and fall of your blood sugar and storage timing.  The Mayo Clinic has tons of valuable researched articles on sweeteners that I found integral in forming my sugar substitute stance. 

     I am always eager to engage in discussion and answer any questions I can. I am here on a fitness journey as well. I would love to hear comments and ideas for new blog topics. If you have blogs that you have learned from please don't hesitate to send me a link. We are never to big or too experienced to continue feeding our minds and bodies well. Until next time.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Building Healthy Fitness Habits: The 3 R's of Getting Fit!

What The Heck Am I Doing Wrong?
     I believe my having been in the U.S. Army and being the mother of a tough, athletic preteen boy has caused me to speak bluntly and directly when it comes to reaching a goal. This is how I break it down for my son, for my clients, for friends or anyone that asks of me HOW to reach a fitness/sports goal because this is how I would want someone to break it down to ME.... 

   If being amazing was EASY then EVERYONE would be! Period. You determine how amazing you are going to be by how HARD to work and how much you DEDICATE yourself to your goal. So, why do some people succeed where others fail? Here is what separates the good from the GREAT in my humble opinion: HABITS

    Successful people have created the environment for success whether by choice or by chance. They make necessary choices to get to the end goal and its not always the fun choices. Instant gratification is the American way, it seems, but what are we trading for the instant pleasure versus staying the course that leads to long term rewards? You want to reach your goals but you have no idea how to? You are NOT alone. I have a simple road map that can help you sort and simplify your fitness routine.

I didn't come up with this concept on my own. This is a proven psychological study from some of the brightest minds in behavioral psychology research today. Dr. BJ Fogg has done extensive research at Stanford on changing habits and Charles Duhigg has an amazing book on transforming bad habits into good habits. Duhigg's book refers to the three steps of the "Habit Loop"as cue, routine, reward. BJ Fogg uses the word trigger instead of cue. I prefer reminder because the army instilled the Art of Acronyms in me and it gives us the memorable "3R's". Terminology aside, rest assured that there is ample science backing this process.

Where The Heck Do I Start?

 Simply put, to create an environment for success you have to create a new system to support positive behaviors. Habits are created by the actions you choose over and over again, day after day. It is what makes you who you are and it is a DIRECT REFLECTION of your fitness progress. 

With all the different programs and fitness fluff floating around in the world it can be overwhelming to find something that makes sense AND works for your lifestyle. Sifting through all the fads is really a simple feat. DON'T BE SHEEP! Stop following cookie cutter workout programs. Fitness is about getting up and getting moving and repeating it until it becomes a good natural habit for you. Knowing your quirks and ticks is the key to building a BETTER BODY. Your body will tell you what it needs if you are open to keeping a keen "ear" so LISTEN UP!!!!!


Your phone buzzes an alert for an incoming text message, you reach for your phone to check who it is from and what it is about.
  1. Reminder: The trigger/cue/reminder is the buzzing that initiates the behavior to check the alert.
  2. Routine: The actual behavior is checking the text message. When the phone buzzes, you check the message. 
  3. Reward: The benefit you gain from doing the behavior. You are rewarded (or punished depending on who the text is from) by finding out what the buzzing was about.  

If the reward was positive enough it makes you want to repeat the process the next to the reminder happens. If you repeat the process enough times it becomes a HABIT.

How Do I Build Healthy Fitness Habits? 
Pick a Reminder that is already a regular part of your routine. Something that you do automatically without needing to be prompted to do it. For example, waking up and going to the bathroom to brush your teeth and shower before you begin your day. You don't need to think about doing these things. They are just a part of your routine. Attach a healthy habit to some of these actions. 
Reminder: My pre-bedtime shower. I shower, brush my teeth, pull my hair up, go to my room to get my night gown on.

Routine: I put on my night gown and while I am near my clothes I also set out my workout clothes for the next morning at the foot of my bed, shoes and 

Reward: I make better choices because I am prepared. My outfit is already set out. I don't have to think about what I am going to wear. It is much harder to make poor health decisions while wearing fitness clothes (proven). I hit my alarm clock, wake up wash my face, brush my teeth and IMMEDIATELY put on my workout clothes. 

I repeated that enough times to where it is no longer something I have to think about doing. It is just a part of my routine now.
REMINDER: Make 2 lists. In the first list write down several things that you do everyday without fail. 
  • wake up
  • brush teeth
  • morning coffee
  • check texts/emails/social media 
You can use these everyday actions as triggers to initiate a new healthy habit. For example: "As I am having my morning coffee I will reflect on my workout plan for the day". Another could be, "After I check my texts/emails/social media I will pack my lunch and snacks for the day into my cooler so I don't run out of healthy options". 

In the second list write down things that happen in your life without fail everyday. 
  • drive to work
  • stop at a traffic light
  • receive a text message
  • a commercial comes on TV
  • get ready for bed
This list is a great list of potential triggers. Let's say you want to have a more positive attitude towards your body and fitness progress. You could use the time you are waiting at a traffic light to say (or think if you don't want people to think you're crazy talking to yourself), "At traffic lights I will say one positive thing about my appearance" or "When I get in bed for the night, I will reflect on the healthy choices I made today". 
 I believe it is the sum of small healthy choices like these that bloom into much more rewarding outcomes in life. 

Celebrate your successes! Even the little ones. I don't mean with a cheat meal or something that could set you back but PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK! It is okay to give yourself a little "HELL YEAH!". When you complete your cardio or weight lifting class...give yourself a "woot woot, go me!". Take a selfie. Whatever makes you feel amazing for doing something good for yourself and your fitness goals.   

No matter how small the victory celebrate it. "I did 5 more push ups than last time. GO ME!" or "I cooked a healthy meal instead of dining out... Like a boss, GO ME!". 
   This is what I say to myself. You will find your own words for self encouragement. It may take some time to get used to this sort of positive self-talk if you aren't normally that kind of person but since habit forms from repeating an action over and over it is vital that you reward yourself somehow EVERY time you win a little victory. 

Give it a  TEST DRIVE!
   Give it this process a try and see if it helps you to create new healthy habits. The 3R's has been proven to be effective for almost any type of new habit forming. It doesn't have to be fitness. Fitness is just what I do and who I am so I try to speak from a perspective that I know well. 


I will always be right here, marching right along side you to help you along the way if you have questions or need a little extra encouraging. I would LOVE to hear from you about your successes and progress. If you give The 3R's of Healthy Habits a try feel free to leave a comment below or email me with your story. I am encouraged by YOUR SUCCESSES! Until next time.... 
  1.  BJ Fogg has some top notch material on habit forming. If you are looking for more information on this topic check out, Tiny Habits.
  2. Charles Duhigg's book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business is an excellent source of information.  
  3. James Clear has a blog on the 3R's and habit forming that served as my inspiration for this blogpost. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Welcome to the BEST of your life!

Hey FitFam! Welcome to my fitness blog! 
      I have so much to share that it is practically BURSTING through my fingers! This has been an incredible past year and I have continued to grow even more as a trainer...even after 13 YEARS of living and LOVING this career. I am and always will be a fitness and nutrition coach. This blog is to let you know what my focus is going to be and what I hope to accomplish with this blog. 
So, without further ado.....

      My mission with this blog is simplify the complicated MESS that advertising and marketing has created out of the very UNCOMPLICATED life of health and wellness. It is REALLY not rocket science
but I know how confusing it is to sift through myth after myth and product after useless product! Waist slimmers this and fad diets that. THERE IS AN EASIER WAY! Balance is absolutely everything and I can't wait to share how rewarding and FUN this fitness thing can be! 

     You can lead a "normal life"(whatever THAT is) and still lose weight, tone your body and improve your health. You can feel younger, stronger and look better than you even thought possible while simply learning the Simple Secrets of Fitness and I am here to show you how and motivate you all along the way! 

   I will share everything from healthy recipes that are easy to prepare and WICKED DELICIOUS, to workout routines for home, gym or vacation, nutrition and supplementation ideas, workout clothing, my reviews of fad diets or the latest programs out and most importantly how to GET GOING and motivate you to......

 So once again, WELCOME and I truly am excited to share my experiences with you all. I want to know what YOU NEED so this is an open forum. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comments! Who knows? I might even make your question the topic of my next blog! I look forward to our journey. Until next time

-Dom Spain - ISSA CPT - Healthy Lifestyle Coach