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Friday, June 5, 2015

Welcome to the BEST of your life!

Hey FitFam! Welcome to my fitness blog! 
      I have so much to share that it is practically BURSTING through my fingers! This has been an incredible past year and I have continued to grow even more as a trainer...even after 13 YEARS of living and LOVING this career. I am and always will be a fitness and nutrition coach. This blog is to let you know what my focus is going to be and what I hope to accomplish with this blog. 
So, without further ado.....

      My mission with this blog is simplify the complicated MESS that advertising and marketing has created out of the very UNCOMPLICATED life of health and wellness. It is REALLY not rocket science
but I know how confusing it is to sift through myth after myth and product after useless product! Waist slimmers this and fad diets that. THERE IS AN EASIER WAY! Balance is absolutely everything and I can't wait to share how rewarding and FUN this fitness thing can be! 

     You can lead a "normal life"(whatever THAT is) and still lose weight, tone your body and improve your health. You can feel younger, stronger and look better than you even thought possible while simply learning the Simple Secrets of Fitness and I am here to show you how and motivate you all along the way! 

   I will share everything from healthy recipes that are easy to prepare and WICKED DELICIOUS, to workout routines for home, gym or vacation, nutrition and supplementation ideas, workout clothing, my reviews of fad diets or the latest programs out and most importantly how to GET GOING and motivate you to......

 So once again, WELCOME and I truly am excited to share my experiences with you all. I want to know what YOU NEED so this is an open forum. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comments! Who knows? I might even make your question the topic of my next blog! I look forward to our journey. Until next time

-Dom Spain - ISSA CPT - Healthy Lifestyle Coach

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