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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Delicious Guilt-Free Tuna Salad- Zero Carb & Virtually Fat Free!

If you love tuna salad as much as I do then you know how easy it is to take something so lean and clean such as tuna and turn it into a   Diet Disaster. MAYONNAISE & EGG YOLKS were my favorite part of my mom's creole tuna salad growing up. Sorry mom, had to change it up! Back in the day before I became a fitness and nutrition coach, I used to scoop half a jar of mayo into the bowl over the tuna (packed in oil of course) before I ever added a single vegetable. I couldn't even imagine throwing away the yolks! She's all growed up now, kids and things have changed for the better! I have found a way to get my favorite snack, wipe out roughly 99.9% of the cholesterol, virtually ALL of the fat and pack in loads more flavor. Nothing to lose but weight if you give this recipe a try.  Enjoy!


-5oz Premium Wild Caught Tuna
                                (In water)

-2 Hard-boiled Eggwhites -chopped

-2 tbsp Spicy Brown Mustard

-3oz Fresh Raw Spinach (chopped)

-1/2 cup Bell Peppers Assorted                                         (chopped)

-1 clove Elephant Garlic (diced)

-1/8 cup chopped Scallions

-1/8 cup chopped broccoli

-Salt-free spice of your choice
(ground chipotle chili pepper shown)

INSTRUCTIONS: Are you ready?

3) ENJOY! 

Calories: 225
Protein: 37g
Carbs: 0g
Fat: 2g

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