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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Carbs Don't Make You Fat - FAT DOES


Don't say it! Not the dreaded C-word! Sometimes I think girls believe that just saying the word "carbs" will make them fat. What do you think of when you think of carbs? Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and beans? Somewhere in the ballpark? Ever since the whole "low-carb" craze hit, people have all but banished these amazing foods from existence. This fallacious belief could be having a negative effect on your weight loss. In just a few short minutes you will see that carbs are not the enemy and hopefully find the balanced way to enjoy these not only delicious but nutritious foods again. 

The Skinny on Carbs

There are good carbs and bad carbs just as there are good fats and bad fats. So, how do you know which is which? Pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice, beans and wheat bread are categorized generally under complex carbs, nicknamed "good carbs" and soda, candy, artificial syrups, white rice, white potatoes, and other desserts like pastries and cookies are simple carbs aka "bad carbs". I know this can be confusing because technically, fruits and vegetables are simple carbs. Here's the difference: the fiber found in fruits and veggies changes how the body breaks down and stores these simple carbs for energy later. These healthy simple carbs are processed more like a complex carbohydrate. When in doubt choose the carbs closest to the earth. has a great article on good carbs vs bad carbs.

The Higher the Climb the Harder the Fall
 We have all heard of a "sugar rush"or maybe even had a few. A sugar rush comes from a massive spike in your blood sugar from eating simple carbohydrates. For instance, it is mid-afternoon and your workday is dragging, you go to the vending machine and get a caffeinated soft drink for a quick pick me up, you feel a little more alert and a get a boost for a short time, an hour later you are fading fast, feeling more tired than before you had the soft drink. That is an example of the peaks and valleys of a simple carbs sugar dump into the bloodstream. The worse news is those simple sugars are easily converted into fat cells. Complex carbohydrates breakdown slower releasing a more even energy supply over an extended period of time. It is the more efficient energy source. So look for whole grains, whole wheat, whole oats and brown rice and you can enjoy these without F.O.G.F (fear of getting fat). Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Shhhh....Secret Fat-Loss Recipe Below

1) Make sure you are eating the right amount of calories for your activity level. (Find BMR here)
2) Subtract about 500 calories from your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and set that as your daily limit
3) Carb Cycle- 2 Low Carb Days to 1 High Carb day choosing mostly vegetables on low carb days
4) Only eat complex carbs when you are going to be ACTIVE. Choose veggies or fruit otherwise
5) Exercise (weights & cardio for 45-60 minutes 4-6 days a week burning 500+ calories each time
6) Hydrate, sleep and repeat! 

Of course, a personal trainer is an invaluable resource to help you build a specific program tailored to you but this will give you an idea of how to lose 1-2 lbs a week and feel great doing it. 

Nutrient Timing is Vital

People get so caught up in not eating at all after 5pm...that is NOT the problem! Your body doesn't go into fat storage mode magically at 5pm. It is on 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If I start my day at noon and go to bed at 3am on a regular basis, dinner time for me could be 10pm. The time is not important. The activities in which I will be engaging are crucial to carb choices. Simply, choose lean, clean, colorful carbohydrates and lean proteins for dinner. Think of complex carbs as a ENERGY SOURCE. You don't need to put more gasoline in your car just to have it sitting there overnight, right? You can fuel up in the morning. Same for your body. You don't need bread, pasta or rice at bedtime just to lay there over night. When you get up to go about your busy day is when you need that fuel so "carb up"in the morning. 

Wrapping It Up

Don't believe every fad diet you see on t.v. The truth is low carb diets are not healthy for long periods of time. There are vital nutrients that your body requires daily and balance is everything. It is not just a cliche. Focus on good quality whole grains and oats, nuts, seeds, veggies, fruits and veggies. Make sure you are eating complex carbs only when you are going to be active for the next few hours. Hydrate (around a gallon of water a day), relax your mind/reduce stress whenever possible (that is another blog regarding stress, cortisol and weight gain coming soon) and sleep for as close to 8 hours as possible. 

That, my friends, is one of the major keys to leading a truly balanced and healthy lifestyle. I am always here when you need me. I love questions and dialogue, comments, feedback and even constructive criticism from qualified readers. We are on this journey together. The only way to improve our health is to constantly educate ourselves and each other, to lead by example and encourage one another along our journeys. Until next time.....

NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Golf Fitness Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Online Health & Fitness Coach & Healthy Lifestyle Expert

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